Shelley Made: A Daydreamer for my Daydreamer...

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

A Daydreamer for my Daydreamer...


I forgot to post about this little dress I made for my daughter a few months back.  Well, for Christmas really!

It's called the Daydreamer dress - another from the very clever Jen of Tie Dye Diva.  Of all the things I made her for Christmas, this was the one she chose to wear on Christmas Day...

She chose the fabric - it's an Ann Kelle print (Birds in Spring).  I thought it might be a little young for a 5 year old, but apparently no!
I made her a size 4, with a 5 length...she typically wears 4 as she is pretty slight.  She had particularly requested a LONG dress - so long it is!  The fit is great - particularly with the tie at the back.
Next time I will probably go with a rolled hem on the bodice ruffle and hem - just to save time! 

She loves it - and it is nice and light for the very long hot summer we have had...  Also good apparently for climbing trees....

Running through orchards...

...and picking apples!

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