Shelley Made: How many times can you make the same little dress??

Sunday, 1 July 2012

How many times can you make the same little dress??

I made a dress for my daughter's first school visit the other day.  In fact, I made two, because she has grown, again!

That got me to wondering how many times I had used that pattern...and I was very surprised at the number.  Let's recap...

Number 1

My daughter was about 20 months in this photo...and this was the first real sewing I had done for her.  I think one other dress attempt before this with another pattern when she was about 8 months old, that she wore maybe once, and was an awful fit!  This was true to pattern, and I still love it.  In fact, I've kept it!  Corduroy with the cutest little buttons...

Number 2

About 2 months later, I made it again...again, true to the pattern - this time I chose appliqued hearts.  Loved the little tights with this one!

Number 3

This one was her 2nd birthday dress!  I left off the appliques, and made it from a stretchy merino wool knit.  I used metal snaps rather than buttons.

Number 4

Exactly the same as number 3, but for my little niece Emma, and in a jade-green colour, again for my daughter's second birthday, so Emma would be about 5 months.  I think this is the first actual photo of me on my blog!! :)

Number 5

Exactly the same as 3 and 4 but a scarlett red merino...can't find a photo...but made for my niece's first no wonder no photo!  My little boy was only about 4 weeks old then.  I can't believe I was sewing!

Number 6

I love this one!  Blue is so my daughter's colour...  This one was for a trip to my niece's 2nd birthday, so my daughter was about 3.5 years.  I did white satin stitching around a deep hem - ended up looking like piping!  I appliqued the daisy on the front.  It's from Bunnycup Embroidery - I used plain coloured corduroy, and skipped the smiley face...but this is what it looks like close up...

Number 7

For my niece's second birthday...just like her big cousin's, except orange!

Number 8

This is my favourite of all I think.  Lots of double thread contrast topstitching, and a lovely appliqued bird.  I cut made the "bodice" section of the pattern in dark purple, and the "skirt" in light purple, and did reverse colour topstitching on each part.  Made it at the same time as the daisy dresses...

Number 9

A very rushed - got to wear a costume to Kindy tomorrow dress!  She decided she wanted to be a princess, so I made this out of pieces of old bedding fabric I had lying around.  I made the basic dress out of some heavy bedspread fabric, and gathered a piece of sheer fabric from an old duvet - attached it around the middle of the dress, adding a sash and tie from the duvet lining to hide the gathers.  Did a rolled hem around the bottom of the sheer. 

Number 10

After making so many of these dresses, I had a break from the pattern!  This was was made for my daughter's first school visit.  I sliced the pattern and put a white stripe up both the front and back.  You can't see it from here, but when I stitched the hem - I used matching thread!  So blue on blue, white in white.  Yes, it took longer...but I thought it looked better! :)

Number 11

This one she wore for her last day, and farewell from Kindergarten.  I added a contrast strip at the hem, and did some topstitching detail.  No appliques here!  I was going to add pockets, but ran out of time!  Also ran out of time to take a decent photo!

Wow...11 times I've made this dress.  From toddler to school girl, and each year in between.  She's growing up so fast!

For those of you interested, the pattern is New Look 6576 and New Look 6578 (baby or toddler sizes).


  1. Cute! Seeing this makes me wish I had a girl in the stable... but only boys around here! I could probably write a similar photo-story on my favourite boy's pants pattern, which I kept sizing up as they grew out of it, made all kinds of different fabrics, colours and combos (no flowers though!).

  2. I love your website! I do have a question about this pattern. I laid out the fabric ready to make my grandbaby a new jumper. I stood there looking at the directions and pinned the pattern pieces to the fabric, but when I looked at the directions it had the selvages on the side and the folds top and bottom. I think I might be having a senior moment here? Is there a reason why they have the selvages on the side instead of on the top? If I cut the pattern out in the typical manner with the selvages on top, will the dress hang right? Thank you again, for your website.

    1. Hi Susan. I wouldn't think it would matter as long as all pieces are cut the same way. I usually bring the selvages into the centre actually if the fabric is wide enough - and cut a front and a back from the two side folds!
